

The project of the Zikomo Foundation for People in Need in the area of Likuni, a suburb of Lilongwe (capital of Malawi) is enormously important. It concerns the support of older, needy people. We see it as our duty to participate in the development of the Play Football Malawi football academy, helping older and needy people around the world.

Age poverty is a common and widespread problem in Malawi. The state can not help these people because there is no regulated pension plan. With aid packages, which we distribute monthly, we enable these people to meet their basic needs.

The Zikomo Foundation is a non-profit association headquartered in Switzerland. As a nonprofit organization, the Zikomo Foundation in Malawi is committed to helping disadvantaged children and adolescents. At the Zikomo Foundation, we not only watch, but grab. We make a difference in the lives of many people with our work. We do not just talk about the distress but we trade. There is so much that is not right in this world but we believe that we can make a difference on a small scale. The Zikomo Foundation is recognized by the tax administration of the canton of Bern as a non-profit association.

With over 16 million inhabitants, the country is one of the most populous nations on the African continent. Malawi is today one of the poorest countries in the world. The majority of Malawi’s population lives on less than one US dollar a day (as of 2005). AIDS cases and long periods of drought have severely affected the country. According to UNICEF, average life expectancy has fallen from 45 to 39 years since 1995. The illiteracy rate is 30% (men 22.3%, women 36.7%, as of 2006).

With more than 15 million inhabitants, the country is one of the most populous nations on the African continent. Malawi is today one of the poorest countries in the world. The majority of Malawi’s population lives on less than one US dollar a day (as of 2005). AIDS cases and long periods of drought have severely affected the country. According to UNICEF, average life expectancy has fallen from 45 to 39 years since 1995. The illiteracy rate is 30% (men 22.3%, women 36.7%, as of 2006).

The Zikomo Foundation is involved in education, health and development cooperation. We carry out concrete projects in the areas; Early education, orphanage, juvenile prison, children’s hospital, agriculture, buildings and society. We lead our projects sustainably and with steady growth. Here we show practically our appreciation and help in need. The Zikomo Foundation is positioning itself as a development aid organization. We endeavor to alleviate the misery and misery in Malawi and other third world countries.

Traveling to Malawi will reveal why a development agency like the Zikomo Foundation makes sense. The need in Malawi is enormous. Any help is needed urgently. Through our projects we give hope and future for the children in Malawi. The children are the future of tomorrow. Therefore, we do not give up and invest with all our strength in the children of Malawi.

With over 16 million inhabitants, the country is one of the most populous nations on the African continent. Malawi is today one of the poorest countries in the world. The majority of Malawi’s population lives on less than one US dollar a day (as of 2005). AIDS cases and long periods of drought have severely affected the country. According to UNICEF, average life expectancy has fallen from 45 to 39 years since 1995. The illiteracy rate is 30% (men 22.3%, women 36.7%, as of 2006).

The Zikomo Foundation creates jobs for the local population. Development cooperation means that we hand over responsibility to employees and promote them in a targeted manner. We are proud to have Malawi employees in Malawi.

Simon Holdener first founded Play Football Malawi and then the Zikomo Foundation. The idea came from helping people and not just accepting the hardship. We never want to accept the impossible. Everything is possible! We are thankful for what we have been able to change in the last 5 years and we have helped many people.

Simon Holdener first founded Play Football Malawi and then the Zikomo Foundation. The idea came from helping people and not just accepting the hardship. We never want to accept the impossible. Everything is possible! We are thankful for what we have been able to change in the last 4 years and how we have been able to save many people.

As a company, you can ideally support the Zikomo Foundation. For example, you can sponsor a kindergarten or a school. This is an incredibly great feeling when you know that your company makes it possible for 150 children to have access to education, thanks to your company. The Zikomo Foundation works in close contact with the companies, so that an exchange of views with the project in Malawi can emerge and identification arises.

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Electronically via our website

Bank details:

FCDA 14249761

NBS Bank Lilongwe Branch

Account owner:

Zikomo Foundation
Opp Bambino Schools, Bwaila Street
Area 15/232

International transfers:
BIC from Postfinance: POFICHBEXXX

Or request a payment slip from us:
hello -at- zikomofoundation -dot- org


We want to change these unreasonable circumstances for the students in Malawi. The Zikomo Foundation has set itself the goal of sustainably improving the quality of education in Malawi. Within the scope of our possibilities, we build and run educational institutions and strive for maximum quality. Every child has the right to education. Only through education can one’s own potential be released. In addition, education plays a crucial role in escaping existing poverty. Education creates new opportunities and opportunities. Through our educational projects, we want to effectively change the lives of children in need. Through education, the children of Malawi can shape their future even more. Every day, we work to ensure that children in Malawi have a bright future. We are only at the beginning with our work.


In the most adverse conditions, the 300 juvenile prisoners sit in the crowded Kachere Prison in Lilongwe at the age of 12-18 years their sentences from. The conditions in the dilapidated juvenile prison are inhuman. The building, which was built for 150 prisoners, is completely overcrowded. Once a day, the inmates receive corn porridge. People sleep on the hard stone floor with no blankets in tight, crowded rooms, often just sitting. The one-sided diet and the miserable sanitary facilities lead to serious illnesses. They are part of the prison life. The crimes of the detainees range from theft to murder. Some are still waiting for the final verdict. For these reasons, the Zikomo Foundation endeavors to get involved in prison. Within the relief program, we encourage the inmates, provide education, additional food rations, conduct sports lessons, provide basic medical care, and distribute medical hygiene items. In addition, during the dry season, we hold the Banana Cup, a weekly football and floorball tournament held in the courtyard of the prison. Associated with this we distribute bananas and invite personalities who tell their story. The recent banana cup rallies have shown that the tournament brings positive emotions and entertainment to Kachere Prison. The Zikomo Foundation has set itself the goal of sustainably improving the conditions in the Kachere Juvenile Prison for the inmates.

Since the Zikomo Foundation was active in the orphanage, we have seen a change in both orphans and the institution. Our monthly support allows the orphanage to provide primary care to infants, as well as clothes and food. Recently, the orphanage has even been able to rent a field on which employees can now plant soy and corn. Our help is shown by the management and nursing staff to be very connected. Also thanks to the Zikomo Foundation, Crisis Nursery has been able to accommodate and care for 4,000 babies since 1999. The toddlers who are cared for in the crisis have lost their mother and are half or full. So the Crisis Nursery takes care of the babies until they find a place for adoption or are taken back into families. The activities of the reception center for children in need require ongoing support. The Crisis Nursery continues to depend on gifts. The conditions are not optimal, it lacks in the field of hygiene, medicine and food. We have set ourselves the goal of supporting the orphans in Crisis Nursery to give them a decent life.

The government is far from meeting the needs of hospitals. Patients, mostly children and the needy, lack essentials such as medicines, toiletries and food.

That’s why the Zikomo Foundation directly supports the Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe with food, toiletries and financial support. The children in the hospital are in urgent need of our help. The situation in the children’s department is catastrophic. Often the children have to wait several days for consultation with a doctor. There are few, if any, medicines available. The families have no money to finance treatments. The people and children are without hope. Therefore, our use in the hospital is crucially important. The conditions should be sustainably improved through the use of the Zikomo Foundation. Together we can make it.